Spoof HWID

How to spoof HWID

Permanent spoof

  1. Run Loader

  2. Enter key

  3. Select Perm option

  4. Click Serial Checker (Take a screenshot of your serials)

  5. Click Spoof

  6. Restart PC

  7. Click Serial Checker (compare serials with those of the screenshot)

  8. Install the game

Some serials like Processor-ID won't change

Temporary spoof

  1. Run Loader

  2. Enter key

  3. Select Temp option

  4. Click Serial Checker (Take a screenshot of your serials)

  5. Click Spoof

  6. Click Serial Checker (compare serials with those of the screenshot)

  7. Install the game

Spoof your serials after every PC restart

Your serials should look like this.

Last updated